You will training information here.
Epi-pen use.
Anaphylaxis training video.<br />Once it comes up you need to click training and resources
spacer inhaler video
Asthma inhaler training
Asthma powerpoint training
Auvi-Q training for a type of epi-pen.
Blood Borne Pathogen training for teachers and staff.
youtube link to bloodborne pathogen.
5th grade BOYs maturation.
CPR without breathing.
Full CPR refresher update
In depth diabetes training.
Diabetic tips for teachers
Epi-pen training for epi pen brand
LInk to Youtube video
Medical emergencies for first aid.
Link to video
High School first aid video.
5th grade GIRLS maturation
How to administer Glucagon
High school 10th grade STD presentation.
Absence seizures training
Tonic-Clonic with convulsions training
You tube video teaching about the different types of seizures.