What is MTSS:
MTSS is research-based system of teaching and learning where data-based decision making and a continuum of instruction are used to meet the academic, behavioral, social and emotional needs of all students.
Sevier School District believes implementing MTSS districtwide is the way to create schools where each and every student in our community is welcomed, valued, understood, and has a sense of belonging in a system of teaching and learning that is fluid, responsive, dynamic, and alive, and that uses all available resources to meet student needs.
We believe that effective implementation of MTSS will affirm the following:
Effective teachers, administrators, schools, and districts are defined by the results they produce.
Most students should score at benchmark given adequate Tier 1 instruction.
We need to focus on supporting Tier 1 implementation for academic, behavior, and social emotional learning; no system can intervene their way out of a core instruction problem.
When interventions are needed most students should make significant learning and growth; intervention failure should be a rare event. When it is not rare, implementation integrity should be the first priority.
Instructing or intervening without assessment data is akin to driving without a map: You are wasting your time, you will get lost, and you will probably have no ideas when you arrived or if you are even in the right place.
With data, any solution becomes a hypothesis to be tested. Thus, various solutions can be tested to find the ones with the best results.
Sevier School District invites Parents to Preview and Provide Input on Proposed Reading Software for Elementary Students
This year, Sevier School District is proposing to adopt the iReady Reading software program. This reading Software program can be utilized by students as a practice station during the English Language Arts skill-based instruction time. This program is to be used for intervention and support and not be used during core instruction time. Students identified as below-benchmark, or well below- benchmark on Acadience reading testing may benefit from utilizing this program as part of a targeted intervention plan.
Demonstration Video:
● Interactive Tour: http://i-ready.com/tour
● What is new? 23-24
● Science of Reading White Paper
i-Ready is a technology-based diagnostic and instruction program for reading. The Diagnostic Assessment (K-12) places students into online instruction at the prerequisite level. The Diagnostic Assessment is adaptive in that it adjusts the difficulty level of the questions presented depending on student response to the previous questions. Upon completion of the assessment, the program links the student to lessons to complete online. Additional assessments are available as part of a suite for supporting standards and science of reading intervention.
When would iReady Diagnostic be administered:
BOY: Beginning of school through mid-October
MOY: December through January
EOY: May
2023-2024 fidelity recommendations:
Based on research from the last 8 years with 30% of America’s K-8 student enrollment, Curriculum Associates recommends that students complete 30-49 minutes per week with pass rates of 70% or better.
How teachers use iReady Data:
Data can be used to inform instruction during ELA skills-based instruction. Teachers are encouraged to provide further instruction using the downloadable lessons that correlate to the skills being reinforced on the computer.
Have questions or want to provide feedback? Use our online tool by clicking HERE.
Utah Statewide Online Education Program
Utah State K-12 Core CurriculumUtah State K-12 Core Curriculum
District Curriculum Specialists
Ryan Harris Language Arts
Tia Lund Reading/Literacy
Alisa Dastrup Science
Melissa Whatcott Secondary Math
Payton Ashby Social Studies
Kelly Winn Elementary Math