1. Academic grading is a teacher responsibility and should reflect academic progress toward the mastery of the standards and course curriculum. Teachers must honestly and accurately grade the work of each student based upon the standards and objectives established for the course. Academic grades must reflect the actual competency or academic growth of a student, and proficiency at the end of a term or unit should be the major consideration in determining a student’s grade. Sevier School District strongly encourages achievement measurement practices that engage and empower students by offering opportunities for student voice, choice, self-assessment, and self-reporting.
1. Teachers will keep students and parents informed regarding achievement measurement requirements and options.
2. At any time it is determined that a student is failing, parents must be immediately informed.
3. Monitoring of academic growth is a critical step in the educational process. Student work will be corrected promptly, scores posted to the Student Information System (SIS) grading system, and work returned to students in a timely manner for each grading period and for each course in which a student is enrolled. Teachers, students, and parents have a shared responsibility to monitor learning progress. Parents and students may review student academic progress as well as attendance information by accessing SIS.
4. Attendance and punctuality may be factors in grading only to the extent allowed by Sevier School District policy 3020, Attendance Requirements. Grades and/or credit are not arbitrarily cut because of absences but in all probability will be lower because of the missed classroom instruction and participation which affects academic success in school.
A = Course objectives achieved in a superior manner
B = Course objectives achieved in a highly satisfactory manner
C = Course objectives achieved in a satisfactory manner
D = Course objectives achieved in a minimum manner
F = Course objectives not achieved; no credit granted
I = Incomplete
6.1 Each school may adopt policies and procedures for grading and reporting student achievement which are consistent with the philosophy and goals of Sevier School District.
6.2 Development of such procedures should be with the involvement of all to be impacted by them.
6.3 Teachers may create appropriate boundaries, rules, and procedures for grading within the confines of school and district policy.
Revised 08/09/23