Temp 82.96 Feels Like 80.33
Sunrise 7:34 am
Sunset 6:55 pm


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1. Teachers and schools may select non adopted supplementary teaching materials based upon appropriate educational value, prevailing community standards, and curricular relevance.

2. In the event the appropriateness and suitability of selected teaching matter is challenged, the following procedures shall be implemented to resolve the issue:

2.1 a complaint relative to school approved teaching material must meet the following standards to receive consideration:

2.1.1 the complaint must be writing.
2.1.2 the complaint must be signed.
2.1.3 the complaint must state the basis for the objection

3 complaints will be referred to the principal. When a complaint is received, the principal will convene a review committee. The membership of this committee shall be:

3.1 two community representatives
3.2 two teachers
3.3 PTA President/Advisory Council Chairman
3.4 Principal
3.5 Assistant Superintendent or designee

4 The selection of the community representatives and teachers shall be made by a consensus of the Advisory Council Chairman or PTA President and the Principal.

4.1 the review committee shall proceed as follows:

4.1.1 a period of time will be set for committee members to read or review the material under consideration. Each committee member assumes the responsibility to read the material in its entirety where printed matter is of concern.

4.2 after reading or reviewing, the committee shall discuss the material and reach a decision based on the criteria of:

4.2.1 educational value
4.2.2 prevailing community standards
4.2.3 curricular relevance

4.3 the committee shall proceed and report its results in a timely manner.

4.4 appeals of committee decisions may be made to the Sevier School District Board of Education through the Superintendent of Schools.

5 Appeal Procedure

5.1 In the event an appeal of the school-level decision is made, the following procedures will be implemented:

5.1.1 the appeal must meet the following standards to receive consideration: the appeal request must be in writing. the appeal request must be signed by those requesting such. the appeal request must clearly state the basis for the appeal.

5.2 appeal requests meeting the above criteria shall be processed as follows: the Superintendent shall convene an Appeals Committee whose membership shall include two community representatives, two teachers the school's PTA president or Advisory Council Chairman, a principal, a board member, and a district level administrator. Selection of the Appeals Committee shall be made by the Board of Education or its designee.

5.3 the Appeals Committee shall proceed as follows:

5.3.1 a period of time shall be set for committee members to read or review the material under consideration. Each committee member assumes the responsibility to read printed matter in its entirety.

5.3.2 after reviewing or reading the material, the committee shall convene and shall prepare and deliver a written response to the appeal to the Board of Education.

5.3.3 the Board of Education shall then render a decision and convey that decision to the appealing party in a timely manner.

